(Kongress | Berlin)
Why we are here is one of the most important gatherings to drive digitisation into reality. The festival brings together numerous tech experts from around the world. The attendees come from future-driven enterprises, path-breaking startups, politics, and science to share ideas, visions, and experiences.
Networking determines the core values of the festival for Europe’s key industries with exciting keynotes and workshops, interdisciplinary matchmaking, live tech exhibitions, and digital art. Countless networking events and smart networking solutions ensure that everybody meets the right person at the right time.
Pillars of 2022
hub.conference: Inspirational content
Get the latest industry insights with expert-led workshops, top keynotes, and exciting panels covering today’s pressing tech topics. Learn from over 300 outstanding speakers sharing their personal experience and vision on stage.
hub.experience: Creative areas & get-together
From escape games, pub crawls, club nights to exclusive dinner settings, one-on-one sessions with speakers, tech playgrounds, and networking lounges: be ready for an immersive experience you won’t forget.
hub.exhibition: Interactive show floor
Experience cutting-edge innovations first-hand and meet the bright minds behind them. Make the most out of our exhibition and engage with a showcase of premium brands shaping tomorrow’s reality. Your professional opportunity
Don’t miss the chance to take your career to the next level with our highly curated tools and spaces. Expand your network within the tech industry and connect with the most relevant people to you.
Eventdatum: 22.06.22 – 23.06.22
Eventort: Berlin
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Bitkom Servicegesellschaft mbH
Albrechtstraße 10
10117 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 27576-552
Telefax: +49 (30) 27576-151
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