mindsON Global Risk Management | How Ukraine-based CRO adopts war as opportunity (Webinar | Online)
A War – A Low Probability Risk with High Impact
In this special episode of mindsON Global Risk Management, our CEO, Artem Andrianov, Ph.D., speaks with Dr. Yuriy Lebed, the CEO of Pharmaxi LLC, a CRO based in Kyiv, Ukraine, that works with BioPharma and Medical Device companies across the globe.
As a data science organization that is entirely focused on de-risking clinical trials and their conduct, tackling the unique set of risks that have low probability but have high, often global impact, is an objective that has been on our minds since the COVID-19 outbreak. What if we could predict and mitigate global threats such as pandemics, wars, and energy crises ahead of time?
Once a crisis is in motion, turning it into an opportunity often requires new ways of seeing, thinking, and responding. Yuriy and his team are a living example of this unfortunate event by establishing much-needed survival mechanisms to enable their organization to continue its activities, providing life-changing treatments to patients in Ukraine.
Victims of war – continued access to investigational medicines and treatments
While others withdrew, Yuriy and his team seized the opportunity to reach out to unique patient groups made possible by the war and successfully kept their sites open. In this challenging environment, his CRO helps victims of war by facilitating acute, on-site treatment as part of continued clinical studies.
In an interview just after the outbreak of war, Yuriy said he was as shocked as many that Russia would invade its neighbor. The attack forced him to relocate with his family to Lviv, in the western part of the country. From there, he’s been able to lead the CRO as it keeps many clinical trials running. He calls the country’s [health] regulators “heroes” for vowing to process approvals while the capital city is bombed. He also says Pharmaxi is already planning for the future, which includes expanding operations into Poland and working within EU countries.
About mindsON Global Risk Management
What if we could predict and mitigate global risks such as pandemics, wars, and energy crises ahead of time? What would your organization look like?
Recent catastrophic events such as the Ukraine-Russia war and COVID-19 have spotlighted drug discovery, development, manufacturing, and supply chain and exposed the current system’s deficiencies. At the same time, it has given a glimpse of what can be possible today and how ready the system is for innovation, acceleration, and implementation of needed changes around what, how, and by whom global risk is proactively managed.
In parallel, the digital revolution has increased the availability of data, degree of connectivity, and speed at which decisions are made. Digitization offers transformational promise but also comes with the potential for large-scale failure and security breaches, together with a rapid cascading of consequences.
Lebed and Andrianov discuss an outlook on the expanding horizons for risk management in pharma – solving tomorrow’s problems with today’s data, technology, and expertise.
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Eventdatum: Montag, 05. Dezember 2022 16:30 – 17:30
Eventort: Online
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