Automate provisioning of new hosts via orcharhino (Webinar | Online)
In our webinars, we show you how open-source-based tools help with data center automation. In doing so, we present the features of various solutions, such as Kubernetes, Puppet, and orcharhino, and give tips on working with them. Our webinars take place live via Zoom and are afterwards available on YouTube on demand.
The next webinar will be „Automate provisioning of new hosts via orcharhino.“ Deploying a new virtual machine, installing the operating system on VMs or bare-metal hosts, or creating a new cloud instance are daily tasks of system administrators, which can be easily automated.
orcharhino is a tool to manage the complete lifecycle of servers. Starting with the provisioning via network- or image-based approaches, it also provides integration for configuration management and includes a solution for patch and release management. This webinar gives insight into the available provisioning paths of different types of hosts within orcharhino. In a short, hands-on session, we will demonstrate the provisioning of new virtual machines on a VMware-based infrastructure.Eventdatum: Mittwoch, 31. Mai 2023 16:00 – 16:30
Eventort: Online
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