Signal and power integrity in aerospace and defense applications (Webinar | Online)
State of the art satellites, radars or avionics systems need to meet demanding performance requirements in the RF domain. During the design phase, careful attention must be paid to the layout of digital components, as well as to power management to create a system that is both efficient and resilient. In this webinar we will describe and discuss the challenges and solutions to evaluating signal integrity and power integrity of high-speed digital signals for aerospace applications. We will consider the potential system impacts and challenges of signal and power integrity and how we can mitigate or minimize them. With the example of an eye diagram, we will show different ways to find the root causes of signal integrity problems, and introduce solutions for sensitive electronic designs, mainly from the time domain perspective. We will provide detailed insights into design verification and testing activities. Join our webinar to learn about how to validate the performance of high-speed digital interfaces and conduct advanced power integrity measurements with test solutions from R&S.
In this webinar, you will learn about:
- Signal integrity test: Clock, PLL, ADC / DAC
- Power integrity test
- Decomposition of jitter and noise components
- Eye analysis
- Test fixture characterization and deembedding
Albert Ramirez, Market Segment Manager Aerospace and Defense Testing, Rohde & Schwarz
Albert Ramirez is a Market Segment Manager for the Aerospace and Defense Market at Rohde Schwarz and has been working in the aerospace Industry for almost two decades. Albert is now focused on the military communications segment putting to use the many years of engineering experience he acquired in the military aeronautics industry, acting as systems engineer, communications designer, and software certification expert for the A400M and Eurofighter aircraft, and the NH90 and Tiger Helicopters. Albert studied radiofrequency communications engineering and holds an MBA in Economy and Innovation Management.
Martin Stumpf, Market Segment Manager, High-Speed Digital Design Test, Rohde & Schwarz
Martin Stumpf is Segment Manager for High-Speed Digital Test at Rohde & Schwarz. He joined Rohde & Schwarz in 1990 as R&D engineer and has worked in research & development, project management, product management, regional support and business development. Martin holds an EE degree from Technical University of Munich.
Jithu Abraham, Product Manager Oscilloscopes, Rohde & Schwarz
Jithu Abraham works for Rohde & Schwarz as a product manager for oscilloscopes. He enjoys all aspects of high-speed digital, wireless communication, efficient power conversion and all the challenges they bring. Jithu holds an engineering degree in electronics and communication from the Anna University in India and a master’s degree in RF systems from the University of Southampton. He has been working for Rohde & Schwarz for over 12 years.
Eventdatum: Dienstag, 17. Oktober 2023 17:00 – 17:45
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
Mühldorfstr. 15
81671 München
Telefon: +49 (89) 4129-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 412912-164
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