TSI Training: Intensive Seminar Cash Securitisation (Auto ABS and RMBS) (Webinar | Online)
Prime Auto ABS and Prime RMBS have always been a showcase example of simple, transparent and standardised ABS transactions that have been very effective in performance and quality ever since their origins and through the financial crisis.
In the past ten years, our comprehensive and periodic ABS training events have contributed to creating a uniform understanding of quality among all parties involved – knowledge that will become even more important under the new securitisation rules.
This time we have split our tried and tested two-day intensive seminar into four afternoons. We would like to give you the opportunity to gain access to the relevant topics of the securitisation world from a legal, accounting, regulatory, economic and practical as well as credit process-related perspective despite a full calendar.
Training will focus on the following thematic focal areas:
[*]Overview of a specific, current securitisation transaction
[*]What matters in the credit process and what the STS regulation requires
[*]Legal aspects – assignment, insolvency protection, tax matters and how STS comes into play
[*]Overview of ECB approval
[*]Regulatory framework under the new Securitisation Regulation
[*]Accounting aspects
[*]The work of rating agencies
[*]Cash flow modelling and transaction evaluation
[*]Residential mortgage securitisation (RMBS)
[*]Investors’ perspective
Eventdatum: 16.04.24 – 23.04.24
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
True Sale International GmbH
Mainzer Landstraße 61
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: 06929921713
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