BIOFLAVOUR 2025 – Biotechnology of Flavours, Fragrances and Functional Ingredients (Kongress | Frankfurt am Main)
Bioflavour 2025 welcomes you to Frankfurt am Main, Germany!
Bioflavour 2025 is the prime international summit meeting on the sustainable production of functional food ingredients and flavour and fragrance compounds. It offers a unique opportunity for scientists and stakeholders to obtain and share first-hand information on recent advances in the field, as well as to socialize with friends and colleagues.
Bioflavour 2025 cordially invites scientists and industry experts from all over the world to discuss cutting-edge research and future perspectives in the dynamically developing field of biotechnology of flavours, fragrances and functional ingredients. With over 130 participants from more than 20 different countries, the last Bioflavour conference in 2022 was a highly successful and inspiring event. The conference featured a 40% share of industrial attendees, emphasizing the steadily increasing industrial relevance of the conference scope.
Bioflavour 2025 addresses the fast-progressing industrial transformation towards a bioeconomy and the need of the food, flavour and chemical industries to develop innovative natural ingredients by sustainable processes. Driven by artificial intelligence and machine learning, biomanufacturing of food and flavours enters a new area. Precision fermentation, synthetic biology and cell factories allow for an unprecedented boost of innovation. Novel strategies for bio-preservation of food will reduce food waste, and artificial meat and alternative proteins may significantly contribute to a more sustainable food chain in the future.
Bioflavour 2025 will address all relevant topics of the field, including olfaction, taste and texture perception, consumer science, biocatalysis and fermentation. Apart from that, a special focus will be set on advanced analytical tools for volatile and non-volatile secondary metabolites.
Bioflavour 2025 will not only provide cutting-edge science, but will also give plenty of time for socializing, networking and tasty local food and drinks. We are very much looking forward to meeting you for an inspiring Bioflavour 2025 conference from September 16th to 18th 2025 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany!
Eventdatum: 16.09.25 – 18.09.25
Eventort: Frankfurt am Main
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25
60486 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 (69) 7564-0
Telefax: +49 (69) 7564-201
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